Thursday 28 March 2013

Two Prasangikas fall out over a girl.

Two Prasangikas fall out over a girl.
A short story.

Bob: Hi Josh, what's this I hear about you and Claire?

Josh: Well, it's true Bob. Sorry dude but hey, remember she's not inherently yours!

B. True dude. She can't be located as a collection of her parts... rather like my fist here. (smack)

J. Ouch! That actually only nominally hurt. Ultimately it didn't. Try mine Bob! (smack)

B. Umph! The blood trickling from my mouth is 'name only' and is therefore irrelevant.

J. Trust you to just look at it from a personal point of view Bob. Emptiness is emptiness of self and other. I think you've degenerated to a Hinayanist.

B. Oh right! Well despite its lack of ultimate existence my boot packs a fairly hefty payload, especially when contacting your non-inherent groin! (wham)

J. Oh Man, that fuc... I mean in an illusory sense it...

B. Whilst you're down there Josh how about a couple more (wham, wham).

J. Ouch my ribs. Call an ambulance!

B. You do realise that the mere designation 'ambulance' is impossible to locate, either within its components or elsewhere for that matter?

J. Just call one for God's sake!!!

B. For God's sake? Oh Josh not only is all this appearing to you to be established in its own right but now you're invoking theism. All that from a dude who called me a Hinayanist.

Well, because I wish to demonstrate true compassion, I'll do as you request but remember to keep your conventionally filthy hands off my ultimately empty girlfriend in the future.

The End

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